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Showing posts with the label Behind Charlie Chaplin’s Comed

Behind Charlie Chaplin’s Comedy

  Just every step and every actor is hilarious.  He decided instead of sharing this agony with people he decided at least to make them laugh somebody understands this opening could exist in a whole lot of people.  So you know there's always there's a light in darkness black white yes No live it there's always I always find the most to be in some kind of back to the universe and in what sense are you calling it as a backup to like 18 whatever they gonna have these thoughts on like this all these.  Exactly.  You know in every 6 aspect of life big small there's always an opposite of.  He's like can you elaborate on that.  The way the way you are characterizing yourself and the question that you're asking itself is a dichotomy.  People always start Charlie Chaplin was very funny.  But.  If you listen to his private talks and things like that there was a deep sense of.  A good.  This is especially sensitive to the agonies of lex yes or not but.  When you see him on t